Avoiding Digital Eye Strain: What You Should Know

Digital eye strain is stress on the eyes due to staring at digital devices such as computers, tablets, phones, or even televisions. When you stare at these screens, your eyes don't blink as much as they would normally. Your eyes are not getting a chance to wet themselves and the lack of moisture is what causes strain and stress on the eyes. Straining to see these devices is another stress you put on your eyes. To help avoid this eye strain, there are a number of things you should know and be aware of. Read on for a few of these things.

Moisten The Eyes By Blinking

Again, when you stare at these screens you aren't blinking, you are literally staring at the screens. In order to moisten the eyes, you need to remember to blink often or look away from the screens in an effort to give your eyes a chance to blink and re-moisten themselves. It also gives the eyes a chance to relax the muscles in the eyes, which can also help prevent eye strain. Look away from the screen at least every 20 minutes to give the eyes a break.

Provide Enough Light To Prevent Squinting

If you aren't giving yourself enough light in order to see you may be squinting to see these screens. If you have a glare or too much light, you'll have the same problem. You need to adjust the light around you, the background lights on the screen of the device you are using, or move the device you are using in order to be able to see better. If you cannot see and are squinting, it's going to add more stress to your already stressed eyes.

Adjust The Device To Prevent Head, Neck And Shoulder Pain

Not only do your eyes get stressed from these devices, if you are looking down onto a device such as a phone or a tablet, but you could also cause pressure at the back of the eyes. This can lead to headaches or migraines, in addition to neck and shoulder pain. All of this is caused by how you are holding your tablet or phone. Hold it instead at eye level or just below eye level to prevent this pressure build-up.

If you use these types of devices daily, and there's a good chance that you do, you are susceptible to digital eye strain. Talk to an optometrist about other ways to prevent eye issues caused by devices and use the tips above to help you as well. 

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Eye Health Information For People Of All Ages We all know how important it is to get regular eye examinations. We want to educate people of all ages on the importance of taking care of their eyes so that they can preserve their vision for as long as possible. Our blog posts will cover topics such as age-related eye disorders such as open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. We'll also provide you with information on contact lens care, minor eye irritations, bifocal glasses, eye infections, and medications that can cause eye problems. If we can help you keep your eyes healthy, then we've done our job.



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